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Door Frame

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Method 1 Wooden Door Cladding (No Hack)

Bedroom Door Frame and Bedroom Door $899 Each (US Standard workmanship)

Our experience door installer will measure your existing door frame and create a laminate door frame shape to cover the existing door frame

No Hacking of HDB bedroom door frame involve, however the total width and height will reduce 10cm

The most affordable method and popular amongst the BTO HDB Bedroom Door

Many HDB owners would consider this option as they wanted their bedroom door to look like those in EC or Condo.

Also this is a perfect solution for HDB owners whom dislike their original HDB metal bedroom door frame.

Method 2 Removal and Replacement (Hacking)

Laminate Door + Door Frame $999 Each

During renovation or HDB owners whom do not wish their entrance to reduce in size

Changing the door frame will be the only solution, we will hack the wall to remove the existing HDB door frame, however the process will take 6 hours in total

Note 1: For metal door frame, we need a hacking permit which cost $600, and additional of $80 for each frame as we need to do cement work to touch up the metal bar after removal

Note 2: Inside of the house will be dusty so you need to cover up your bed or existing furniture

Note 3: For those HDB owners whom HDB bedroom door frame was infected by termite or other pest, you need to get the pest control to treated before we can hack and replace

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